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Poet Mary Oliver asks: “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

A multitude of thoughts and feelings may arise in response to the poet’s question. Confusion… Yearning… Grief… Restlessness… Fear… Excitement? The question may pulse within your heartbeat, particularly at dawn when the first bird sings or at dusk, when the veil is thin between what is seen and that which is unknown. Suddenly you taste the meaning of bittersweet and feel how you are propelled towards a threshold where you sense there is some-thing more.

There are times when life sharpens, things come into focus and, gradually, you become aware that you are standing before a threshold. There is no way back to where you were before, and there is no way out but through.
~John O’Donohue

Nature’s ancient rhythms can assist us in tracking our own seasons of rest, gestation, ripening, harvesting, birth and death. Our courageous willingness to make room for life’s potent thresholds and transitions reveals our capacity for the exquisite joy and pain of a life experienced fully. Cultivating personal authenticity and whole-heartedness forges a pathway for life review and meaning-making in our travels from the cradle to the grave.

This journey is highly personal; however, as a skilled and compassionate Psychospiritual Therapist and Interfaith Spiritual Director, I can provide guidance to support your journey. Together we will create portals for curious inquiry; enhanced awareness, renewed passion, creativity, and intimate connections; and source your healthy resilience and innate wisdom in BodyMindSpirit.

It may be when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work,

and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.

~ Wendell Berry

What If…
…the life you’ve been living feels too small?
Is it Possible…
…that courageous, creative exploration may reveal your true soul, role and joy?
Perhaps Now…
…it’s time to listen deeply with the ear of your heart?

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